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St. Paul has a rich history of music and a wide variety of ways for people to participate. Check out the groups below and join us in praising God through music!
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir, led by Shannon Miesner, meets on Mondays at 7 pm.
They sing for worship throughout the year including major festivals like
Christmas Eve and Easter. It is open to everyone who loves to sing!
Adult Handbells
This group of 14 ringers across 5 octaves of bells and 5 octaves of chimes.
Joshua Miesner conducts this group that meets on Mondays at 6 pm.
They also ring at various services throughout the year along with
performing an end-of-year concert along with the school bells groups.
No experience necessary; contact Joshua Miesner if you'd like to join.
Women's Chorale
Shannon Miesner leads this group from September through December,
meeting on Mondays at 8:00 pm. Open to all women who love to sing.
Men's Chorus
This group, led by Steve Wentzel, meets and sings occasionally
throughout the year. Contact Steve Wentzel for more information.
Praise Teams
Our Praise Teams consisting of of adult and high school congregation volunteers help lead worship for 11 am Informal Services.
If you would like to join us, please contact Joshua or Shannon Miesner.
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