Serve & Support
Angel Tree
Leading up to Christmas, people purchase gifts for children
from the community who are added to the angel tree.
Gifts are gathered in time for delivery before Christmas.
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
St. Paul hosts the Napoleon Thanksgiving Dinner where almost 200 are served each year. Joining us are people from other churches and organizations as we prepare, serve, and even deliver the food.
The meal occurs every year on Thanksgiving Day.
Decorating Committee
This group helps prepare the church for Christmas, Easter, and other major events. They are always looking for decorating ideas and assistance.
First Fruits
Provides a variety of food to an average of 15-25 families on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10 am. No pre-registration is required to receive the support.
Grief Support Group
In conjunction with Henry County Hospice, this group meets twice a year. The group is designed for those who have experienced loss in the previous 3-18 months.
Ladies Guild and LWML
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) assist the work of the church locally and beyond as they support for mission work, provide funeral luncheons, adopt a seminary student, and more. This group meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the Trinity Center, September to May (except November).
Mission Trips
A group has traveled to Kentucky every year since 2009 to repair and rebuild homes and other community support buildings.
Past international trips include:
Brazil (2008) Haiti (2011) and Panama (2015)
Operation: Christmas Child
We serve as a drop off location for Operation: Christmas Child. As a congregation and school, we also assemble boxes to be delivered as gifts to kids around the world.
Parish Nurses
Parish Nurses encourage and support healthy living through monthly blood pressure screenings (1st Sunday of the month after 7:40 and 9 am services). They provide health counseling, resources, and education.
Prayer Chain
By phone or email, this group lifts up prayers for the congregation and community. To join or add a prayer, contact the church office at 491-592-3535.
Prayer Shawls
Shawls created throughout the year are prayed over during worship services. The shawls are then given to those hospitalized and facing other struggles. These shawls serve as a reminder of God’s love that wraps around them and of the prayers of the body of Christ covering them.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of training to provide distinctively Christian care to people facing a variety of challenges. They are prepared to listen, pray, and walk with someone through a difficult stage of life.