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Join over 800 people who gather at St. Paul every week for one of the four worship services. The sermon for each week is the same at every service. The pastors regularly project pictures, videos, and scripture throughout the sermon.
Thursdays 7:00 pm Communion every 3rd Thursday
Hymns are organ led from a hymnal or printed in the worship folder. This service is identical to a Sunday traditional service but offered at a time for those traveling or busy on the weekend.
Sundays 7:45 am Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
9:00 am Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday
An organ leads the music in both services as we sing a variety of your favorite hymns. Various choirs and music groups assist in leading music throughout the year. Everything is projected on screens and much is printed in the worship folder. As we join the church throughout time, we hear God’s ancient story in a modern context that applies to our lives today.
Sundays 11:00 am (Informal) Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday
A praise team leads this service with guitar, drums, piano and more. Music includes songs written in recent years with older favorites sprinkled throughout. It is not uncommon to find participants in shorts and causal wear as we join together in giving thanks to God for the promises He makes to us in Jesus in a relaxed atmosphere.
Bible Study
A variety of Bible Studies are held weekly between Labor Day and Mother’s Day.
Sundays at 10:10
Adult Bible Study
New Member Class
Prayer Shawls
7:00 pm Women's Bible Study
7:00 pm Men's Bible Study
10:00 am Coffee & the Word
7:00 am Breakfast Bible Study
10:30 am LifeLight Bible Study
Led by
Pastor Scheiwe
Pastor Marcis
Carol Marcis
Paula Harms
Pastor Bettcher
Pastor Marcis
Pastor Scheiwe
Trinity Center A
Trinity Center B
Church Office
Trinity Center
Country Gourmet
(downtown Napoleon)
​Youth Center
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